Hortifuturo Talks – Andrea Martinez – controlling white fly.
Andrea Martínez, es la ingeniera agrónoma de la finca San Bernardo. Ella explica cómo controlan
Andrea Martínez, es la ingeniera agrónoma de la finca San Bernardo. Ella explica cómo controlan
The Hortifuturo project has been able to achieve the objectives and more. This slideshow summarizes
What are the main challenges that Colombian producers face to market their vegetables on large
The variety of climates, altitudes, and growing conditions make Colombia an ideal candidate to become
From the Agricultural Biotechnology Center (CBA) in Mosquera (Cundinamarca), José Efrén Fajardo, agronomist and instructor
Sharing knowledge and experiences to improve, strengthen and promote the growth of Colombian horticulture: that
Alberto Rolón, negociador de frutas y verduras del Grupo Éxito, nos habla de la importancia
We were honoured to speak with Mrs. Léontine Crisson, Agricultural Counselor of the Dutch Embassy,
Horti Synergy
World Horti Training Center
Soest , The Netherlands