Andrea Martínez, es la ingeniera agrónoma de la finca San Bernardo. Ella explica cómo controlan las plagas en su cultivo de tomate.
Author: admin
Hortifuturo – Results Round Table Meetings
The Hortifuturo project has been able to achieve the objectives and more. This slideshow summarizes the findings of the Round Table meetings that were held all over Colombia. It was a honour to work with the many companies and persons in Colombia to make this happen. El proyecto Hortifuturo ha sido capaz de lograr los...
Hortifuturo Talks – EURO – Ferney Pérez
What are the main challenges that Colombian producers face to market their vegetables on large platforms? Ferney Pérez, director of the fruit and vegetable business at Euro Supermercados, mentions key aspects of the chain, tells us about the experience of his organization and proposes some improvements to achieve optimal quality in the handling and marketing...
Hortifuturo Talks – SENA -Sandro Pérez Jiménez
The variety of climates, altitudes, and growing conditions make Colombia an ideal candidate to become one of the world’s food pantries. Sandro Pérez Jiménez, an agronomist and specialist in horticulture from the National Learning Service (SENA), reveals how the adoption of new technologies, learning in productive systems and knowledge transfer are key processes in achieving...
Hortifuturo Talks – SENA – José Efrén Fajardo
From the Agricultural Biotechnology Center (CBA) in Mosquera (Cundinamarca), José Efrén Fajardo, agronomist and instructor of the National Learning Service (SENA), tells us details about the agreement signed between this educational institution, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (NEA) and Hortifuturo for educational development, knowledge transfer and the application of cultivation technologies and productive improvements that strengthen...
Hortifuturo Talks – Rijk Zwaan – Javier Parra
Sharing knowledge and experiences to improve, strengthen and promote the growth of Colombian horticulture: that is what Hortifuturo is all about. Javier Parra, product development specialist at Rijk Zwaan, tells us about his participation in one of our regional round tables. Compartir conocimientos y experiencias para mejorar, fortalecer y propiciar el crecimiento de la horticultura...
Hortifuturo Talks: Alberto Rolón – Grupo Éxito
Alberto Rolón, negociador de frutas y verduras del Grupo Éxito, nos habla de la importancia de la calidad, la inocuidad y la salubridad para alcanzar nuevos escenarios de comercialización. La estrecha colaboración de productores y comercializadores es clave para dotar de eficiencia, sostenibilidad y confianza a los negocios del sector horticultor.
Hortifuturo Talks – Agricultural Counselor – Mrs. Léontine Crisson
We were honoured to speak with Mrs. Léontine Crisson, Agricultural Counselor of the Dutch Embassy, Bogotà, Colombia. Hear what she has to say about the future of horticulture in this wonderful country.